Timber frame homes have been around for centuries. Throughout Europe, buildings constructed hundreds of years ago can still be seen scattered across the countryside. The primary reason people built timber frame homes back then was due to their strength and durability. In modern times, there are even more reasons to consider timber frame construction as your build of choice. Below we have outlined some advantages of timber frame construction.
Ease of Construction
To begin, the actual building of a timber frame home is a very quick process. Most of the work is done offsite, ensuring all of the timbers used for the home are cut with precision. The materials are measured to design specifications and the frames and components are test fit at the timber framers’ shop prior to being shipped. Further, each piece is finished, planed, stained, and packaged to meet exacting standards. All considered, the work done in the shop takes roughly 4-6 weeks. Once everything has been sent off, builders can assemble the home quickly and efficiently. Typically, timber frame homes take only days to erect. The frame itself can be assembled in as little as 5-15 days depending on the size of home , and the insulated wall system and roof enclosure can be completed in approximately two weeks.
Environmental sustainability
Another great advantage of timber frame construction is its limited impact on the environment using wood. The construction on site is faster since everything is manufactured off site minimizing waste material on site Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are responsible for the insulation of the home and offer huge R values for increased energy efficiencies of the home. And, as mentioned earlier, timber frame homes are known for their longevity. They are built to last for generations.
Energy Efficiency
Because SIPs are used for insulation, the seal that is created drastically reduces the amount of heat that can escape from inside a timber frame home. Timber frame construction provides consistent temperatures throughout the home both in heating and cooling. Further, this reduces the size and cost of the HVAC system required for the home. As such, another advantage of timber frame construction is the savings in reduced water and energy bills.
Consider where you live. We all are at the mercy of the elements. Timber frame construction lends itself to withstanding greater weather and geographical crises than traditional homes. The structural integrity is better suited for earthquakes, the materials used typically are better at holding up against fires when compared to traditional homes, and the tight seals created by the SIPs are solid attributes at keeping out moisture, be it rain or snow. Timber frame construction also experiences less wood shrinking and expansion when compared to other wooden homes.
Design Flexibility
A major advantage of timber frame construction is the ability to create the home of your dreams. They are highly customizable, allowing for any variation of floor plan. If you want a large, vaulted open space, or individual cozy rooms, both are easily attainable. Timber frame construction also allows for strategic window placement. This offers maximum natural light to be utilized. Further, the accents and decorations you choose to incorporate are endless, and can be matched to the color of timber you choose.
Timber frame construction is beneficial not only because of its sturdiness and durability, but for its aesthetic. They are beautiful structures. The skilled individuals who design and build the homes are masters at what they do. There is a heightened level of attention to detail, as there is more to timber frame construction than merely using pieces of wood and hammers. Timber frame homes are works of art.
The advantages of timber frame construction are significant. They begin the moment the design begins, to hundreds of years later, noting the limited impact on the overall environment. You’re not only gifting yourself with a beautiful, energy-efficient, cost-effective home, but you are helping the earth in a greater sense by choosing a style of construction that leaves a smaller carbon footprint. Hamill Creek Timber Homes would be happy to discuss further benefits of building a timber frame home with you, so please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.